When it comes to safety, you and your family deserve the highest quality of
design and technology available. Our products are proudly made in China
through an international collaboration in engineering and design.

Too Close To Home

Not all automotive-related deaths and injuries are caused by the impact of a collision. Daily news reports illustrate that roadside breakdowns often lead to devastating accidents. Post-collision entrapment and water immersion due to flooding or leaving the roadway pose big dangers for motorists worldwide.

For INGEAR founder Steve Pan, these perils were brought close to home in the summer of 2012. Record-breaking flooding in Beijing quickly led to heartbreaking tragedy. In a single weekend, seventy-nine lives were lost to the floodwaters. Rapidly rising rivers left many motorists stranded, while others were suddenly trapped in their vehicles and carried away by flash floods.

Taking Action

These casualties motivated Steve to take action. He wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the automotive emergency and self-rescue products that were available. Steve thought tools that were more useful and reliable could help save lives. He knew his expertise in the lighting industry, along with continual user feedback, could help good tools become better. But Steve Pan also knew that even the best tools only work if people carry them.

Focused On Quality

That’s why INGEAR specializes in automotive emergency and self-rescue products that raise the bar. Steve brought together top designers, engineers and business professionals from around the globe. He built his company in his native country, China, where he could closely monitor manufacturing for the highest quality possible. Steve and his team of experts are driven in their mission to show the world that “Made in China” means “Made with pride in China.

Today, INGEAR is known for automotive emergency and self-rescue products that are made by real pros, tested by real people, and proven in real emergencies.”

"Making quality products is satisfying. Making products that might save a life some day is humbling."
- Steve Pan, Founder